October 3, 2023 2024-05-13 9:07agenda-laser-proctology
Laser : Basics of Laser and Introduction Laser machines & Accessories ↪ Laser
↪ History of Laser
↪ Anatomy of Anorectum
↪ Basic of Minimally Invasive SurgeryHemorrhoids ↪ Understanding Hemorrhoids Basics & Classification
↪ Etiopathogenesis & Medical Management
↪ Open Hemorrhoidectomy
↪ Stapler Hemorrohoidopexy
↪ Chivate Procedure- Suture
↪ Hemorrhoidopexy
↪ Laser Hemorrhoidopexy
↪ Laser Hemorrhoidopexy- Tips & Tricks
↪ Complications & ChallengesAnal Fissure ↪ Etiopathogenesis & Medical Management
↪ Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy
↪ Open/Close/Bloodless Sphincterotomy
↪ Laser Internal Sphincterotomy
↪ Complications & ChallengesAnal Fistula ↪ Understanding Fistula-Basics & Classification
↪ Complex Fistula- Management, Rectovaginal Fistula
↪ Perianal Abscess Management -Do's & Don'ts
↪ Fistulectomy : When/ How
↪ VAAFTPilonidal Sinus ↪ Understanding PNS-Basics & Classification
↪ Etiopathogenesis
↪ Management Options (conventional)
↪ Z-Plasty /BASCOM Flaps
↪ Laser Ablation of Pilonidal SinusMove to OT : Cases for Hands-On Training Session ↪ Laser Hemorrhoidopexy
↪ Laser Internal Sphincterotomy
↪ Management Options(conventional)
↪ Fistula - LIFT+ Laser
↪ Laser Ablation of Pilonidal Sinus (Availability of Case)Lunch
🕐 30 minutesComplications of Haemorrhoid Surgeries and their management ↪ Complications of Fistula Surgeries and their management
↪ Complications of Fissure Surgeries and their management
↪ Complications of Pilonidal Surgeries and their managementWritten Exam
Certificate Distribution
🕐 30 minutes